Source code for rambutan.rambutan

# Contact: Jacob Schreiber

import os, numpy, pandas

	from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score
	roc_auc_score = 'acc'

from joblib import Parallel, delayed

from .io import TrainingGenerator, ValidationGenerator
from .utils import bedgraph_to_dense, fasta_to_dense
from .utils import encode_dnase, extract_regions

[docs]def extract_sequence(filename, verbose=False): """Extract a nucleotide sequence from a file and encode it. This function will read in a FastA formatted DNA file and convert it to be a one-hot encoded numpy array for internal use. If a one-hot encoded file is passed in, it is simply returned. This function is a convenient wrapper for joblib to parallelize the unzipping portion. Parameters ---------- filename : str or numpy.ndarray The name of the fasta file to open or the one-hot encoded sequence. verbose: bool, optional Whether to report the status while extracting sequence. This does not look good when done in parallel, so it is suggested it is set to false in that case. Returns ------- sequence : numpy.ndarray, shape=(n, 4) The one-hot encoded DNA sequence. """ if isinstance(filename, str): if verbose: print("Converting {}".format(filename)) return fasta_to_dense(filename, verbose) return filename
[docs]def extract_dnase(filename, verbose=False): """Extract a DNaseI file and encode it. This function will read in a bedgraph format file and convert it to the one-hot encoded numpy array used internally. If a one-hot encoded file is passed in, it is simple returned. This function is a convenient wrapper for joblib to parallelize the unzipping portion. Parameters ---------- filename : str or numpy.ndarray The name of the bedgraph file to open or the one-hot encoded sequence. verbose: bool, optional Whether to report the status while extracting sequence. This does not look good when done in parallel, so it is suggested it is set to false in that case. Returns ------- sequence : numpy.ndarray, shape=(n, 8) The one-hot encoded DNaseI sequence. """ if isinstance(filename, str): if verbose: print("Converting {}".format(filename)) dnase_dense = bedgraph_to_dense(filename, verbose) if verbose: print("Encoding {}".format(filename)) dnase_ohe = encode_dnase(dnase_dense, verbose) return dnase_ohe return filename
[docs]class Rambutan(object): """Rambutan: a predictor of mid-range DNA-DNA contacts. This serves as a wrapper for all functionality involving the use of Rambutan. There are two main functions to use, fit and predict. Fit involves taking in nucleotide sequence, DNaseI sensitivity, and a contact map, and training the model. Predict involves taking in nucleotide sequence and DNaseI sensitivity and predicting significant contacts. Note: Due to a limitation of mxnets part, you cannot fit and predict in the same program. You must fit the model and save the parameters during training, and then load the pre-fit model and make predictions. Parameters ---------- name : str, optional The name of the model, necessary for saving or loading parameters. Default is 'rambutan'. iteration : int or None, optional The iteration of training to load model parameters from, if using Rambutan in predict mode. Default is None. model : mxnet.symbol or None An alternate neural network can be passed in if one wishes to train that using the same framework instead of the original Rambutan model. learning_rate : float, optional The learning rate for the optimizer. Default is 0.01. num_epoch : int, optional The number of epochs to train the model for. Default is 25. epoch_size : int, optional The number of batches which comprise an 'epoch'. Default is 500. wd : float, optional The weight decay. This is equivalent to L2 regularization. Default is 0.0. optimizer : str, optional The optimizer to use for training. Default is 'adam'. batch_size : int, optional The number of samples to use in each batch. Default is 1024. min_dist : int, optional The minimum distance to consider contacts for. Default is 50kb. max_dist : int, optional The maximum distance to consider contacts for. Default is 1mb. use_seq : bool, optional Whether to use nucleotide sequence as an input to the model in the training step. Default is True. use_dnase : bool, optional Whether to use DNaseI sensitivity as an input to the model in the training step. Default is True. use_dist : bool, optional Whether to use genomic distance as an input to the model in the training step. Default is True. verbose : bool, optional Whether to output information during training and prediction. Default is True. Example ------- >>> from rambutan import Rambutan >>> import numpy >>> y_pred = Rambutan(iteration=25).predict('chr21.fa', 'chr21.GM12878.dnase.bedgraph', ctxs=[0, 1, 2, 3]) >>>"chr21.predictions.npy", y_pred) """ def __init__(self, name='rambutan', iteration=None, model=None, learning_rate=0.01, num_epoch=25, epoch_size=500, wd=0.0, optimizer='adam', batch_size=1024, min_dist=50000, max_dist=1000000, use_seq=True, use_dnase=True, use_dist=True, verbose=True): = name self.iteration = iteration self.model = model self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.num_epoch = num_epoch self.epoch_size = epoch_size self.wd = wd self.optimizer = optimizer self.batch_size = batch_size self.min_dist = min_dist self.max_dist = max_dist self.use_seq = use_seq self.use_dnase = use_dnase self.use_dist = use_dist self.verbose = verbose
[docs] def predict(self, sequence, dnase, regions=None, ctxs=[0], sparse=False): """Make predictions and return the matrix of probabilities. Rambutan will make a prediction for each pair of genomic loci defined in `regions' which fall between `min_dist' and `max_dist'. Inputs can either be appropriately encoded sequence and dnase files, or fasta files and bedgraph files for the nucleotide sequence and DNaseI sensitivity respectively. Note: fasta files and bedgraph files must be made up of a single chromosome, not one entry per chromosome. Parameters ---------- sequence : numpy.ndarray, shape (n, 4) or str The nucleotide sequence. Either a one hot encoded matrix of nucleotides with n being the size of the chromosome, or a file name for a fasta file. dnase : numpy.ndarray, shape (n, 8) or str The DNaseI fold change sensitivity. Either an encoded matrix in the manner described in the manuscript or the file name of a bedgraph file. regions : numpy.ndarray or None, optional The regions of interest to look at. All other regions will be ignored. If set to none, the regions of interest are defined to be 1kb bins for which all nucleotides are mappable, i.e. where there are no n or N symbols in the fasta file. Default is None. ctxs : list, optional The contexts of the gpus to use for prediction. Currently prediction is only supported on gpus and not cpus due to the time it would take for prediction. For example, if you wanted to use three gpus of index 0 1 and 3 (because 2 is busy doing something else) you would just pass in ctxs=[0, 1, 3] and the prediction task will be naturally parallelized across your 3 gpus with a linear speedup. sparse : bool, optional Whether to return three arrays, the rows, columns, and values, or the full dense matrix. Sparse is useful for large matrices. Returns ------- y : numpy.ndarray, shape=(m, m) A matrix of predictions of shape (m, m) where m is the number of 1kb loci in the chromosome. The predictions will reside in the upper triangle of the matrix since predictions are symmetric. """ if isinstance(sequence, str) and isinstance(dnase, str): if self.verbose: print("Converting FASTA") sequence = fasta_to_dense(sequence, self.verbose) if self.verbose: print("Converting DNase") dnase = bedgraph_to_dense(dnase, self.verbose) if self.verbose: print("Encoding DNase") dnase = encode_dnase(dnase, self.verbose) if regions is None: regions = extract_regions(sequence) os.environ['MXNET_ENGINE_TYPE'] = 'NaiveEngine' from .models import predict_task Parallel(n_jobs=len(ctxs))( delayed(predict_task)(, self.iteration, ctx, len(ctxs), sequence, dnase, regions, self.use_seq, self.use_dnase, self.use_dist, self.min_dist, self.max_dist, self.batch_size, self.verbose) for ctx in ctxs) if sparse == False: n = int(regions.max()) / 1000 + 1 y = numpy.zeros((n, n)) for ctx in ctxs: with open('.rambutan.predictions.{}.txt'.format(ctx), 'r') as infile: for line in infile: mid1, mid2, p = line.split() mid1 = (int(float(mid1)) - 500) / 1000 mid2 = (int(float(mid2)) - 500) / 1000 p = float(p) y[mid1, mid2] = p os.system('rm .rambutan.predictions.{}.txt'.format(ctx)) return y else: rows, cols, values = [], [], [] for ctx in ctxs: with open('.rambutan.predictions.{}.txt'.format(ctx), 'r') as infile: for line in infile: mid1, mid2, p = line.split() mid1, mid2, p = int(mid1), int(mid2), float(p) rows.append(mid1) cols.append(mid2) values.append(p) os.system('rm .rambutan.predictions.{}.txt'.format(ctx)) rows = numpy.array(rows) cols = numpy.array(cols) values = numpy.array(values) return rows, cols, values
[docs] def fit(self, sequence, dnase, contacts, regions=None, validation_contacts=None, training_chromosome=None, validation_chromosome=None, ctxs=[0], eval_metric=roc_auc_score, symbol=None, n_jobs=1): """Fit the model to sequence, DNaseI, and Hi-C data. You can fit the Rambutan model to new data. One must pass in sequence data, DNaseI data, and Hi-C contact maps. The sequence data can come either in the form of FastA files or one-hot encoded numpy arrays. The DNaseI data can likewise come as either bedgraph files or numpy arrays. The Hi-C data must come in the traditional 7 column format. Validation data can optionally be passed in to report a validation set error during the training process. NOTE: Regardless of if they are used or not, all chromosomes should be passed in to the `sequence` and `dnase` parameters. The contacts specified in `contacts` will dictate which are used. This is to make the internals easier. Parameters for training such as the number of epochs and batches are set in the initial constructor, following with the sklearn format for estimators. Parameters ---------- sequence : numpy.ndarray, shape (n, 4) or str The nucleotide sequence. Either a one hot encoded matrix of nucleotides with n being the size of the chromosome, or a file name for a fasta file. dnase : numpy.ndarray, shape (n, 8) or str The DNaseI fold change sensitivity. Either an encoded matrix in the manner described in the manuscript or the file name of a bedgraph file. regions : numpy.ndarray or None, optional The regions of interest to look at. All other regions will be ignored. If set to none, the regions of interest are defined to be 1kb bins for which all nucleotides are mappable, i.e. where there are no n or N symbols in the fasta file. Default is None. ctxs: list, optional The contexts of the gpus to use for prediction. Currently prediction is only supported on gpus and not cpus due to the time it would take for prediction. For example, if you wanted to use three gpus of index 0 1 and 3 (because 2 is busy doing something else) you would just pass in ctxs=[0, 1, 3] and the prediction task will be naturally parallelized across your 3 gpus with a linear speedup. Returns ------- y : numpy.ndarray, shape=(m, m) A matrix of predictions of shape (m, m) where m is the number of 1kb loci in the chromosome. The predictions will reside in the upper triangle of the matrix since predictions are symmetric. """ if not isinstance(sequence, list): raise ValueError("sequence must be a list of FastA file names or pre-encoded numpy arrays.") if not isinstance(dnase, list): raise ValueError("DNase must be a list of bedgraph file names or pre-encoded numpy arrays.") if isinstance(contacts, str): contacts = pandas.read_csv(contacts, sep='\t') with Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs) as parallel: sequences = parallel( delayed(extract_sequence)(filename, self.verbose) for filename in sequence ) dnases = parallel( delayed(extract_dnase)(filename, self.verbose) for filename in dnase ) if regions is None: if self.verbose: print("Extracting regions") regions = parallel( delayed(extract_regions)(sequence) for sequence in sequences ) sequences = numpy.array(sequences) dnases = numpy.array(dnases) regions = numpy.array(regions) if isinstance(validation_contacts, str): validation_contacts = pandas.read_csv(validation_contacts, sep='\t') validation_chromosome = int(validation_contacts.ix[0][0][3:]) import mxnet as mx from .models import RambutanSymbol if symbol is None: symbol = RambutanSymbol model = symbol(ctx=map(mx.gpu, ctxs), epoch_size=self.epoch_size, num_epoch=self.num_epoch, learning_rate=self.learning_rate, wd=self.wd, optimizer=self.optimizer ) training_contacts = numpy.empty((contacts.shape[0], 3), dtype='float64') training_contacts[:,0] = [int(chrom[3:])-1 for chrom in contacts['chr1']] training_contacts[:,1] = contacts['fragmentMid1'].values training_contacts[:,2] = contacts['fragmentMid2'].values if self.verbose: print("Training on {} contacts".format(training_contacts.shape[0])) X_train = TrainingGenerator(sequences, dnases, training_contacts, regions, self.batch_size, min_dist=self.min_dist, max_dist=self.max_dist, use_seq=self.use_seq, use_dnase=self.use_dnase, use_dist=self.use_dist) if validation_contacts is not None: validation_contacts = validation_contacts[['fragmentMid1', 'fragmentMid2']].values if self.verbose: print("Validating on {} contacts from chromosome {}".format(validation_contacts.shape[0], validation_chromosome)) X_validation = ValidationGenerator(sequences[validation_chromosome-1], dnases[validation_chromosome-1], validation_contacts, regions[validation_chromosome-1], batch_size=self.batch_size, min_dist=self.min_dist, max_dist=self.max_dist, use_seq=self.use_seq, use_dnase=self.use_dnase, use_dist=self.use_dist) X=X_train, eval_data=X_validation if validation_contacts is not None else None, eval_metric=eval_metric, batch_end_callback=mx.callback.Speedometer(self.batch_size), kvstore='device', epoch_end_callback=mx.callback.do_checkpoint( ) self.iteration = self.num_epoch return model